Tuesday 28 August 2012

Quick chocolate croissant

Szerintem minden gasztromán találkozott már a croissant-krízissel: mikor egy hétvégi reggelen korán kelve, finom, illatozó reggelire vágyunk. A croissant elég egyértelmű és jóízű ötlet, de mikor már a huszadik átböngészett receptben találkozunk a "tedd hűtőbe egy éjszakára" - instrukcióval, igen könnyen elmehet a kedvünk tőle.

De az egyik ilyen reggelen, fél óráig kerestem a neten recepteket, amíg meg nem találtam ezt, persze teljesen más (sós sajtos) verzióban. Gyorsan átgondoltam, és megcsináltam így.
Ez persze nem az omlós francia reggeli a Bartók Béla út delikáteszeiből, de nagyon finom.


I bet every gastroman have already met the croissant-crise: when a on snowy winter morning, you wake up earlier, and would like to bake a nice-smelled, fantastic breakfast. The croissant an obvious and delicious idea, but after youchecked twenty recipes, you could easily become uncertain, because sure, that every one contains the "put in the fridge for a night"-instruction.

But I, on one of my mornings like that (it was not actually snowing, but more 40 degrees), I was surfing on the internet for half an hour, and it worth it. I found a quick recipe on mindmegette (its a hungarian recipe site), and I diversified it a bit, and created my own version. But do not think about the lovely french croissants from the delicatess shops of Bartók Béla road (I bet some of you do not know it... if one day you visit Budapest, you definitely have to go there). In the kitchen, you rarely can reach the same result with less work, but it is okay. This is a crunchy, delicious dough filled with chocolate. And not because to hype myself, but my daddy told me after he tasted it: very delicious. Alright, I help you translate it: it means, that this thing is really very amazing.

Quick chocolate croissant

3 dkg yeast

60 dkg flour
1,5 dl milk
4 dkg sugar
10 dkg butter
1 egg
1 nature yogurt
about 100 g dark chocolate (good quality)

Mix the sugar with the tepid milk, and crumb the yeast into it. Leave it for five minutes (the yeast have to come on the top), and add the flour, egg, yogurt, and start to knead. Melt the butter, add the half of it to the pastry, and knead totally.
On a floured board roll the pastry out, oil with butter, and cut triangle pieces of it. On the triangle's part in front of its top, put a bit of chocolate, and wind it up to croissant form (the triangle's top have to be shown).
Put in a tray covered with baking paper, and bake on 175 degrees for about 20 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. http://ladybugattack.blogspot.hu/2012/08/ive-got-blogaward-d-im-soooooo-happy.html ezennel értékelem a fáradozásait hölgyem :D
